Saturday, April 6, 2013

Night monkey surprised by an ocelot

From Animals in Action (1901).

The ocelot commits heavy ravages among the game, and when satiated with flesh sucks the blood of his victim. He never misses an opportunity to do some hunting, whether he be hungry or not. During dark and stormy nights he creeps up to settlements and villages, looking for a chance to cultivate a close acquaintance with the occupants of the hen-roosts. He regards the monkeys as a special delicacy of his table, and our illustration shows an ocelot which has fallen upon a band of night monkeys in a forest of Brazil. These monkeys are among the most remarkable of their kind. The night monkeys climb wonderfully well and spring from tree to tree with the greatest facility in their chase of insects or their flight from danger. The ocelot, however, creeps upon them so slyly that generally the shriek of a captured animal is the first indication of the presence of the dreaded marauder.

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